Sunday, July 3, 2016


Mamma Paige, Daddy, Marcus, Analyse, and Elliot went down town to watch the fireworks this weekend and had a blast. We got to sit in the grass for a while by Daddy's work but the fireworks were shooting a bit too low to be seen over the Devos Place, so we walked over the Nunzia's restaurant and watched from there where we had a much better view. Mamma Paige's friend Shanna, who the kids call Shanna Banana, had plans cancel on her so she came with us to the fireworks as well. It was nice to see how well the three kids behaved not only in public but with friends around. Rylee stayed with Grammy and Pappa because we were afraid that she would get scared being downtown and with how loud the fireworks can be. (Check the Instagram for pics.)

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