Monday, March 18, 2019

Monday Musings: Lack of energy after the weekend

We know that Monday is hard for everyone, but why does it always seem the hardest for parents? Oh, that's right, because children seem to forget every Monday that they need to get up and go to school on time. It's like their brains reset by Sunday night and they are now convinced that they will never have to go back to school again.
It takes 5 times longer to do everything on a Monday morning than any other day of the week. Which feels backwards to me. Monday you should be well rested from the weekend and ready to get up and go, but instead it's Fridays that everyone is up and ready to go because they are so excited for the weekend. Where for me Fridays are the hardest day to get up because I am so tired from the week.
I have heard it said many many times that if we could just find a way to bottle up the energy that kids give off when they are excited, and put it in an energy drink, we would never need caffeine or sugar ever again. Well, I am adding to this, that if we could bottle up all the lazy and lethargic energy that kids give off on Monday mornings before school, we could replace all muscle relaxers and sleep aids as well.

#MondayMusings #BrazierChildren

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