Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday Musings: Watching Your Own Kids ISN'T Babysitting

I get so tired of hearing other men refer to spending time with their children as babysitting. I spent all of last week stuck at work while all the children were here for spring break. I worked 68 hours last week and I still fought to make sure I had enough energy to spend time with them. Me spending time with my children is NEVER babysitting, and I will yell at ANY man I hear make that comment.
Not only is that comment sexist and misogynistic, it's also telling your kids that you have no real desire to spend time with them. What kind of example are you setting for their future by teaching them that fathers spending time with their children is a chore rather than a blessing?
Parenting is not just for mothers, quality time with your children is not just for mothers, fathers every where need to step up and be in their kids lives. Set the example or what true masculinity is. Not absence and aggression, but compassion and kindness. Stop teaching boys that a real man is only there when they want to be, hides all their emotions, and rules with an iron fist. That archaic way of thinking needs to be stomped out.

#MondayMusings #BrazierChildren #FathersDontBabySitTheirKids

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