Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday Musings: You're a better parent than you give yourself credit for

Every parent has moments when they look at the terrible way that their child is behaving and are absolutely convinced they are failing as a parent. You have no idea how they could act so spoiled or ungrateful or what have you. This is normal, and every parent goes through it. The key part of this is the fact that you notice this, and you act upon it to correct it. That is what shows that you aren't failing as a parent, because you actually care. Your confusion over how in the world they could be acting that way, means that you are doing what you can to raise them right. Children just be crazy sometimes. Okay, children be crazy often.
When they lash out like that, or act spoiled, or give you attitude and act shocked when you lash back out, it is just them pushing the boundaries to see what they can get away with. The more you let them get away with it, the more they will keep pushing. The worst part, is a few times of letting them get away with it, can undue a million times of not letting them, and now they think that's the norm. It's not fair to us as parents, it doesn't make any real sense, but it's life.
The occasional spoiling of a child, or choosing not to fight that particular battle is normal and good for yours and their mental health. We just have to make sure we don't get in the habit of giving in, or in the habit or overreacting and overcompensating when they do lash out.
It's a dangerous balance to keep, but you got this, I have faith in you.

#BrazierChildren #MondayMusings #DangerousBalance#ChildrenBeCrazy

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