Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesdays Are Uplifting: It's who's in your life, not what's in your life

It's often hard to not get lost in the rat race of trying to have nice stuff . However getting lost in that race costs money and resources that can be better spent elsewhere. It's something that this Brazier Family is learning and still struggles with. We are much better at it though, and learning to be content with what we have in our lives, so we can grow with who we have in our lives. We love our family, our chosen family, both blood and non. We have chosen who we want around us, and are growing those relationships as best can.

Here's to family, chosen family, the ones we love and protect and keep around us.

#BrazierChildren #WednesdaysAreUplifting #ChosenFamily #BertsLight

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