Tuesday, May 14, 2019

YouTube Tuesday: The BrazierParents #Every6Months video

you get a chance to go watch our video, aren't you excited?
Mamma Paige and Daddy made a video together, first of many to come.

Now yes, it is a long video, however, if you watch it on a computer (on YouTube itself), you can click the links in the description to jump to each question if you don't have time to watch the whole thing and need to come back to it and start where you left off. Plus, there are auto generated subtitles, that will be updated by this time tomorrow (5/13/18), so you can watch without volume if needed (at work or our voices annoy you).

So please,
go give it a watch,
like the video,
you know, all the things people do on YouTube to show people support.
Thanks, really appreciate it, you're the best.

B&P, The #BrazierParents

#BrazierChildren #YouTubeTuesday #Every6Months

1 comment:

  1. Love this video!!
    Great braid Byron!
    We all knew you were great parents before Oswald came along. ;-)
